Are you struggling with everyday demands: work, household chores, (single) parenting, attending to your spouse/significant other? Are you struggling with navigating a changing world and online school? Do you sometimes question your abilities as a parent? Do your kids push your buttons? Do you find yourself screaming at them and then feel guilty about it?
You are not alone and it does not have to be this hard.
Danielle Jacobs is an expert in parenting with over twenty years of experience working with parents and children in three countries. Besides being a parent herself, she can help you grow as a parent and feel more confident in your own abilities.
We all know that children don’t come with a manual, and it’s not easy to raise kids in a changing world where we have so many other roles. Children come with their own temperaments, and traits. What works for one child may not work for another child. It’s brave to look for resources if you need them, not a sign of weakness. Investing in a good parent-child relationship now is important for later because it’s the basis for your child to explore and thrive in this world.
Parents, at times, question themselves, their parenting, and children’s development and parent counseling can bring valuable answers and insights. It can help reassure you that you are on the right track, and let you practice valuable new skills.
You can gain understanding of your child’s development and what can be expected of a child at a certain age or developmental level. It can improve your relationship with your kids, make you feel calmer and improve your and your families’ well-being.